The story begins back in 1983 when the brothers following their passion for fashion and streetwear decided to try and share it with the rest of the world. From an underground basement stacked with jeans and pieces that they thought were unique they started sharing their passion with people. Step by step they kept earning their customers trust and year by year they made the same effort to expand and provide to even more people what they considered to be the best pieces of high quality and unique design.

Now with more that 40 years of experience and three locations they continue their efforts of retaining their customers trust and providing them with established designer pieces as well as upcoming new designers before the rest of the word has a chance to discover them. Always on the lookout for that something new and something special that will catch their attention.


The vision behind Detroit is to become a corner shop that inspires trust and is able to provide to its customers with products of the highest quality and to keep them up to date with the fast pacing constantly changing world of fashion.

Decades of experience

Since, 1983 to this day the company has never stop evolving, learning and adapting to the new trends, fashion movements and customers requests, acquiring years and years of experience in the journey to today. Having worked with the world’s most renowned fashion houses and designers we are confident that customers will find what they are looking for within our doors.

 Our passion

we aim to provide our customers with the best service and products that we could possibly procure, we are pleased to see our customers leaving with a smile and returning to our shop with excitement.

We are always happy to see you even if it is just to say hi ! Drop by anytime we would love to have a chat.